I mentioned earlier that I had this one idea for a "silent" 4 page story...and I have already done 5 versions of it. The latest version was done in my "one-a-day" sketchbook (here), the version before that ended up in the first issue of Robotika, the other three versions...are scattered all around. Last night, by accident, I found photocopies of my third attempt at it. This was done right before I started working on the first Robotika mini-series. Here are the pencils:

I was clearly having some problems drawing different body types and my hands were even more awkward then they are now. But once I got through with the pencils I jumped right into inking:

I felt a lot more confident in my inking abilities, so I had a pretty fun time inking the pages. Just about everything but the panel borders, the arrow and the chain mail were done with a brush of some sort...and looking at that now I think it's pretty boring. Currently I am using everything that makes a mark to ink my drawings and I love the variations in my lines. This really could have benefited from some textures and some more dynamic ink work.
These are awesome, man. Wow. I'm shocked I haven't seen this before.
Oh, I got tons of stories like that...done, but not really up to a certain standard. That is the problem with "learning by doing", once I finish a few pages like that I learn a bunch of stuff and I realize that the pages can be so much better if I just re-draw them...did I mention that I drew this sequence 5 times already? :)
5 times?! 5 x 4 pages.... Alex, you could have done a whole comic! :)
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