Jim Starlin is also a legendary storyteller who has been creating wonderfully complex universes and engaging characters for years. A retrospective book about his career is long overdue...and here it is:
A regular edition

and a signed and numbered edition

When Norman told me that this book is coming out (thanks Norm!) I started "googling" and found a post on Ron Marz's blog about the book and his introduction. I thought that was great, because a few years ago Ron Marz was kind enough to write an introduction for my first Robotika collection. So now, even though tenuous and tangential at best, there is a connection between Mr. Starlin and....You can read the full introduction (for Jim Starlin) "HERE".
Anyone interested can order the book through amazon "HERE".
Very cool to have this tangential link.
I also thought it was cool that Ron Marz' first exposure to Starlin's work was exactly like mine...same books and everything (though, even though I still got a lot of my books off a spinner rack at 7-11, I think I might have discovered a comic book store or two by then...and gone to them on special occasions)
Hopefully, now Stralin will start to get his due as a storyteller up there with Steranko and Miller.
"Though, even though....."
Ooops....too bad I can't go back and edit these posts....
Thank you for putting me on to this book. I truly look forward to it!
With recent or new books on Jeff Jones, Barry Smith (Opus1&2), Kaluta, Wrightson (Look Back reprint), Alex Nino, Al Williamson, Craig P. Russell, Sandy Plunkett, Michael Golden, Kevin Nowlan, Jose Garcia-Lopez, Olivier Vatine, Claire Wendling, Alex Toth, Frazetta, Steve Rude, Paul Gulacy, Dave Dorman, Tim Bradstreet, ...the only guys I can think of that still don't have their own books are Howard Chaykin and Walter Simonson...and some of the Spanish artist who worked for Warren's Vamparella like Fernando Fernandez and Jose Ortiz.
It is a golden age for sending all my money to Amazon.com (and Bud Plant...and Stuart Ng....)
A nice book on Corben would be a good idea. I have Flights Into Fantasy...but that came out close to 30 years ago. Put that and his other art books together with some other stuff and there's a big chunky art book waiting to happen.
(And for old illustrator guys....I'd still like to see a Frank Godwin book....maybe like the Noel Sickles book....with Rusty Riley being the headliner, including a massive chunk of his illustration work)
Corben! Frank Godwin! Yes, both would be excellent...since I missed all of the earlier Corben art books I would love to see that stuff reprinted.
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