Believe it or not, but I did all those little squares by hand with a ruler :)

Olivier Vatine is a French comic book artist who got pretty famous in France 20 years ago when he started working on a series called "Aquablue". He did the first 4 hardcover collections and then moved on to working on other projects and eventually even got to edit his own art-oriented line of comics. As far as I know there are only two works that he did exclusively for American comics. First was a 4 issue Star Wars series adapted by Mike Baron and published by Dark Horse, called "Heir to an Empire" and the second is a Hellboy pin-up he did in the first Hellboy collection "Seeds of Destruction". I got both of those...but I also tried to put on hands on as much of his French work as I could. My favorites are: a collection of his art called "Pink Planet" and a black and white western called "Angela".
Last week I got another book of his, a black and white edition of a light hearted fantasy called: Cixi de Troy. You can see a preview here (first presented in black and white and then in color):
Wow - what a nice piece! Really different from your regular stuff, but displaying a really nice graphic sensibility. Good stuff.
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