Gamora really works much better if green is used. Since I did not want to color I blacked-out her costume, but because I was thinking of the way Leyendecker painted I left some rough highlites to make her stand out a bit from the black background.
Thanos was fun to draw because I never really think of drawing such distorted features on my own (does anyone else see a resemblance to a Skrull?).
I am enjoying the Warlock reprints so much, I went ahead and bought Starlin's series from the mid 90's called "Breed" and "Breed II". I am also thinking about digging around and pulling out all the "Dreadstar" books and giving them a read as well...I might be drawing Vanth Dreadstar in a few days :)
I also realized that I have never read "the Death of Captain Marvel"! I need to look that up and see if it is available in reprint.

It looks like there's a 300 pg TPB combining The Death of Captain Marvel with some other stuff, so they could call it The Life And Death of Captain Marvel, which is out of stock at HI (although you could ask Andy to look into things at Diamond), and available via third party sellers at Amazon for a chunk of change... BUT! you can get the original GN via ebay for just five bucks here.
Awesome drawing, btw! And yeah, I always found Thanos' similarity to a skrull confusing.
The first book of Starlin's Dreadstar series, METAMORPHOSIS ODYSSEY is an amazing classic of the medium. It ran in about eight segments in Marvel's EPIC color magazine. However, it was collected many years back in a black-and-white collection from Slave Labor Graphics. Since the first three or for segments were in black-and-white, which then turned to color (when the earth blew up), it misses something. But it's still a fantastic read. To get the color version you have to go back and collect the first year's worth of EPIC magazines. Much easier to find the black-and-white collection. Unlike the Dreadstar series that would follow a few years later, METAMORPHOSIS ODYSSEY was completely painted, and it was a breakthrough for the medium. You might even say it was Starlin's creative zenith...the highest landmark of his 70s work. There were three stages of greatness: Captain Marvel, Warlock, and Metamorphosis Odyssey...each one more ambitious and successful than the last. Great stuff...
I've got books 2 & 3 (The Price and Dreadstar) - they're fantastic. I should scour ebay for the issues that comprise book 1. I thought the first several issues of the Dreadstar series were great, and if I recall some of them have wonderful, painterly color behind the inks, too.
I don't think I'd ever seen any of book 1, but just found some pages here. Wow.
I believe in my collection I have all 3 books that comprise the DreadStar saga...except, when I was ordering "Breed" and "BreedII" which were published by Malibu I learned that:
First published Dreadstar #33-60 (Peter David/Luke McDonald), and
Malibu published Dreadstar #1-6 mini-series (Peter David/Ernie Colon).
I am sure I don't have any of those issues. Has anyone read them? Any good?
I think I have at least a few Peter David Dreadstars - I didn't like them much. If I can find 'em, I'd be happy to send them to you.
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