Going "viking":

I also wanted to post about a book that I just read that was simply amazing: Deathblow & Wolverine. It is written and drawn by Aron Wiesenfeld and according to the back cover received 2 Eisner nominations back in 1997 (?). I don't believe I heard of it before, but I just love it! The story telling is awesome and the drawing is real cool. I did a google search on Aron Wiesenfeld and it turns out he left comics to pursue a career in fine art...that is too bad because judging by this book, he has a real knack for storytelling!

That helmet on the viking reminds me of the helmets Walt Simonson use to do for his Thor warriors, like Balder and Heimdall. Looks great!
Simonson is one of my all time favorite artists. I first encountered his art in the "Star*Reach" and the "Manhunter" reprints and I thought they were both excellent. And then there was..."Thor" followed by the "StarSlammers" Marvel graphic novel. Talk about awesome! I think that the first year or so of his Thor run is some of the best comics I own and definitely the helmet decoration have nothing to do with real history and have everything to do with Simonson's version of Thor :)
I have recently bought an issue of JSA Classified that he wrote and drew starring Hawkman and I really enjoyed it.
Yeah...Simonson. I love his stuff and his answer as to what he drew with "A bone and a hank of hair"
And I didn't realize the Wolverine/Deathblow thing had been collected...........I have to get that.
"A bone and a hank of hair"? I never heard of that, but it sounds like something really interesting...Mr. Norm do you care to elaborate?
I think I just read it in an interview somewhere...
But, it seemed aptly descriptive of the rough, powerful way he draws.
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