And here is the cover to a Walt Simonson book that I bought at a used book store. It has some great stories that he drew/wrote for DC back in the early 80's. I have a few of them in their original comics, but this reproduction is much crisper, with better line work being shown, and the coloring is much better (everything go re-colored for this edition). The "Captain Fear" 3-part story, "Dr. Fate", "Batman", and some shorter stories are the best, but "Metal Men" and "Hercules" stories are also fun. Great collection that is rounded off with a cool sketchbook section of DC characters:

impressive, all the cartoonist in this world have a special talent to imprint a little bit of themselves in all cartoons, specially people who work in comic books.
Wow is very nice I like it very much.
Wow is very nice I like it very much.
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